
Happiness By The Kilowatt

I am not even sure how to start this off. People disappoint me in new ways on the daily. Why are people so desperate to be with a person? Not any particular person that they actually care for, but any person in general. Some people require another person so make them happy, to make them feel whole and feel self-worth. Why is that? Are other peoples self-esteem that low that they have to validate their existence through the existence of another?

Like it or not, argue with me if you want, everyone wants to be accepted on some level. Everyone wants to feel like they are special to someone, to feel love and so forth. These are natural human emotions, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to feel that. However, there are people that constantly seek it, that crave it. There are people who have one goal in life, and that is to be in a relationship. Yes, they are fun, and can be amazing if they're with the person who is right for you (maybe not for the rest of your lives, but for the time being), but they are not EVERYTHING. Some people that I know, when they get a new love interest in their lives, act like totally different people. It causes me to wonder what made them so starved for attention that they feel the only way they can be happy is by being with someone. It doesn't make you any more worthy..it doesn't make you any more or less of a person. They can be so "in love" with one individual, and once it doesn't work out, someone else comes along and has to patch them up. That should never be the case. Be your own damn nurse, and fix your emotions BEFORE you take the plunge again.

Well, that's my rant for the week.


Rusted From The Rain?

Yes, it's a question. It's also what I believe to be an appropriate title for this particular post, for several reasons. 1) It's raining like a motherfucker. 2) Billy Talent was just on the radio (hence) 3) It's the best say to describe this post in 20 or so characters.

Being "jaded" is a commodity in our society these days, it seems. People get hurt from past relationships, they shut up, shut out, shut off. Emotionally. They can still go through all the motions of carrying on a relationship, and the person they're with may never really know them at all. Isn't that a little bit scary? Maybe it's just me.

Most of the time, people look at me like I'm a naive kid. Which is probably very, very true. However, I also have common sense and as many experiences to draw from as the next person. Just because I don't take my hurt out on everyone doesn't mean there never was any. I just know who it was intended for. If any of my exes, for example, wanted to get back together, I'd probably agree, take them to the nearest bedroom, and give them a hot carl.

This can mean one of two things: I'm either light years ahead of everyone else and know how to deal with my emotions, or I am very stupid and am gearing up toward a world of hurt that will knock me off my ass and leave me bitter once all is said and done. Maybe, both of these possibilities are true. Maybe I am just sponge and I soak up everything. Who knows.

I don't wanna miss any chances. I don't wanna miss out on some great person just because of something someone else did however long ago. The thing that hurts the most in this situation, is not that this individual would not pursue something with me, it's that there is SO much in the way. Out of everything, the one thing I find to be insurmountable is the fact that since his bad experience, he has "never let anyone in. Not even half of a percentage in." What am I supposed to do about THAT?

If anything I wish it wasn't so hard to get through the walls people build. Think about that the next time you interact with a guarded heart. It might suck ass, but it might be great. Not everyone wants to hurt you. Be willing to roll the dice.