
Happiness By The Kilowatt

I am not even sure how to start this off. People disappoint me in new ways on the daily. Why are people so desperate to be with a person? Not any particular person that they actually care for, but any person in general. Some people require another person so make them happy, to make them feel whole and feel self-worth. Why is that? Are other peoples self-esteem that low that they have to validate their existence through the existence of another?

Like it or not, argue with me if you want, everyone wants to be accepted on some level. Everyone wants to feel like they are special to someone, to feel love and so forth. These are natural human emotions, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to feel that. However, there are people that constantly seek it, that crave it. There are people who have one goal in life, and that is to be in a relationship. Yes, they are fun, and can be amazing if they're with the person who is right for you (maybe not for the rest of your lives, but for the time being), but they are not EVERYTHING. Some people that I know, when they get a new love interest in their lives, act like totally different people. It causes me to wonder what made them so starved for attention that they feel the only way they can be happy is by being with someone. It doesn't make you any more worthy..it doesn't make you any more or less of a person. They can be so "in love" with one individual, and once it doesn't work out, someone else comes along and has to patch them up. That should never be the case. Be your own damn nurse, and fix your emotions BEFORE you take the plunge again.

Well, that's my rant for the week.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you totally. It's like people don't feel validated unless they have someone, despite all the things they can accomplish. So much so, that they force things with people, making the "relationship" basically destined for failure.
